Expect to be Encouraged // Equipped // Empowered

Expect to be Encouraged, Equipped & Empowered!
We are a Body of Believers gathering together, EXPECTANT:
To ENCOURAGE one another.
To be EQUIPPED by 5-fold ministers for the
work of ministry of which we are called.
To be EMPOWERED by the Holy Spirit to be
Witnesses for Jesus Christ in our world to see lost souls saved!
We believe "Church" isn't a building or a location, but it is the Body of Christ that gathers together on a regular basis. We come together to worship, pray and fellowship with one another. We encourage one another and give room for the Gifts of the Holy Spirit to be at work in our midst. We believe that God is the same yesterday, today and forever and the same power that raised Christ from the dead dwells in us today!

We are a Non-denominational Church under the Apostolic governmental covering of International Christian Leadership Connections (ICLC). ICLC is "Committed to Proclaiming the Gospel of the Kingdom throughout every nation." Our Apostolic Overseers are Pastor Danny Fisher, Roger Hughes & James Stay. For more information about the ICLC Network visit https://iclcnetwork.com/about-us/