Expect to be Encouraged // Equipped // Empowered

Celebrate Recovery @
The Victorious Church
Celebrate Recovery is a Christ-Centered, 12 Step recovery program for anyone struggling with Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups of any kind.
Celebrate Recovery is a safe place to find community and freedom from the issues that are controlling our life.
Follow us on Facebook for the latest updates.
What to expect
We meet every Friday night at 5:30pm for a FREE meal together in the Fellowship Hall. Then our large group meeting begins at 6pm. Each week we have either a Lesson or a Testimony. After the large group meeting, we have Men's & Women's Open Share groups as an opportunity to share your own personal struggles and victories and to reflect on how the lesson and/or testimony personally resonated with you. Then stay after the open share time for Crosstalk Cafe where we have snacks and a time of fellowship to get to know one another.

Need a Ride?
Our Ministry Group Leaders, John & June Jaramillo, would love to connect with you. If you ever need a ride, contact John or June before noon on Friday to arrange for someone to pick you up this week.
June Jaramillo - (719) 468-3984
You can also contact us via email: celebraterecoverytvc@gmail.com